Postgres Training

Get trained by experts.

Postgresql Training by Experts

At Jumping Bean, we are committed to providing the highest quality PostgreSQL training available. Our courses are designed and delivered by industry experts with extensive experience in PostgreSQL. Whether you are learning database administration, development, or data science applications, our training ensures you gain practical, hands-on skills that are immediately applicable. With a range of flexible learning options including self-paced, mentored, and instructor-led training, both online and in-person, we cater to the diverse needs of professionals, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching learning experience.

Affordable Training

We offer self-paced, mentored or
Instructor-led, remote or in-person courses Allow
our experts to guide you in mastering Postgresql

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Comprehensive PostgreSQL Administration Training

At Jumping Bean, our PostgreSQL training courses cover all the essential aspects of PostgreSQL administration, from installation and configuration to performance tuning and security. Our courses are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to efficiently manage and maintain PostgreSQL databases. Whether you are new to PostgreSQL or an experienced DBA, our self-paced, mentored, or instructor-led training options offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace, with the support you need to succeed. Our expert trainers, with years of experience in PostgreSQL, ensure you gain practical, real-world skills that you can immediately apply in your job.

Advanced PostgreSQL Developer Training

For developers, our PostgreSQL training dives deep into the specifics of PostgreSQL development, including writing efficient queries, understanding indexing, and leveraging advanced features like JSONB and full-text search. We also cover the integration of PostgreSQL with various programming languages and frameworks, ensuring developers can build robust, scalable applications. Whether you choose online or in-person training, our courses are tailored to meet the needs of busy professionals. Our mentors and instructors bring their extensive knowledge to the table, providing insights and best practices that help developers write high-performance, reliable PostgreSQL code.

Specialized Training for Data Scientists and High Availability Solutions

Data scientists will find our PostgreSQL for Data Scientists course invaluable, covering topics such as data import/export, data cleaning, and advanced analytics using PostgreSQL's powerful built-in functions. We also focus on scalability and high availability, ensuring that your PostgreSQL databases can handle large datasets and high-traffic applications. At Jumping Bean, we pride ourselves on offering the best PostgreSQL training available, with experienced trainers who are not only experts in PostgreSQL but also skilled educators. Our commitment to quality and flexibility makes us the top choice for professionals looking to master PostgreSQL and advance their careers.

Fundamentals of SQL with PostgreSQL

Join our introductory course on PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced open-source relational database. Perfect for beginners, this course covers database administration and development basics, including installation, configuration, and operations. Learn to create, manage, and query databases effectively with hands-on exercises and expert guidance. Ideal for new IT professionals, developers, business analysts, and students. No prior SQL or database experience required. Flexible learning options available: self-paced, mentored, instructor-led, remote, or in-person.

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Postgresql Administrator

The PostgreSQL Database Administration course by Jumping Bean is tailored for IT professionals and database administrators seeking advanced skills in managing PostgreSQL databases. Over 24 hours, this comprehensive training covers setup, maintenance, security, performance tuning, and troubleshooting of PostgreSQL databases. Participants will engage in hands-on exercises and case studies to master database reliability, security, and optimization. Key modules include installation, server configuration, advanced indexing, transaction management, backup and replication strategies, and performance tuning. Special topics like logical replication and full text search are also covered. This course is suited for those with basic SQL knowledge and aims to equip attendees with the expertise to ensure high performance and security of PostgreSQL servers in any production environment. Graduates will be prepared to handle administrative tasks efficiently, promoting database integrity and operational excellence.

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Postgresql Developer

This PostgreSQL course is aimed at software developers and engineers seeking to master PostgreSQL for high-performance application development. Covering advanced features, SQL queries, database design, and optimization, the course offers hands-on labs for practical skills in efficient data modeling, query optimization, and database integration with software applications. Targeting software and backend developers, as well as database professionals transitioning to development roles, it requires a basic understanding of relational databases, SQL, and software development. The 25-hour curriculum spans installation and management of PostgreSQL, data types, data manipulation, indexing strategies, advanced query techniques, PL/pgSQL programming, query optimization, and application design and performance tuning. Designed to be interactive, it combines lectures, labs, and case studies to equip participants with comprehensive PostgreSQL skills for developing robust, scalable applications, ensuring they can effectively apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

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PostgreSQL Advanced Data Management

The "PostgreSQL Advanced Data Management" course, spanning 24 hours, is tailored for individuals with basic PostgreSQL knowledge, aiming to enhance their expertise in complex data management tasks. This intensive training covers a broad spectrum of advanced topics, including complex SQL queries, data warehousing, performance tuning, and handling of large datasets. It also delves into advanced indexing, security, backup, recovery, and replication techniques to ensure data integrity and high availability. Through a combination of hands-on exercises and real-world applications, participants will acquire the skills to optimize database performance, implement data warehousing solutions, and manage security and replication within PostgreSQL environments. Upon successful completion, attendees will receive a Certificate of Advanced Data Management in PostgreSQL, marking their proficiency in utilizing PostgreSQL for advanced data management and analysis tasks, positioning them for success in data-intensive roles.

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PostgreSQL for Data Scientists

The "PostgreSQL for Data Scientists" course is designed to equip data scientists with the skills to utilize PostgreSQL for data analysis and predictive modeling. Over 30 hours, participants will learn advanced data manipulation, statistical functions, and integration with data science tools like Python and R. The curriculum covers data import/export, exploratory data analysis, performance tuning, and predictive modeling within PostgreSQL. It emphasizes hands-on exercises for practical experience in optimizing PostgreSQL's features for data science projects, including complex analytical tasks and in-database analytics. By course end, attendees will be proficient in leveraging PostgreSQL for comprehensive data science applications, from data preprocessing to building and deploying predictive models. This course offers a blend of theory and applied learning, ideal for data scientists seeking to enhance their database management and analytical capabilities.

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Scalability & High Availability

The "Advanced PostgreSQL Administration: Scalability and High Availability" course is a comprehensive 40-hour program designed for senior database administrators focused on scaling and managing high-availability PostgreSQL systems. It covers key aspects of PostgreSQL scalability, including horizontal scaling with Citus, automated data partitioning with pg_partman, and connection pooling using PgBouncer and Pgpool-II. The curriculum delves into advanced data partitioning, failover strategies, backup and disaster recovery planning, as well as performance tuning for large-scale environments. Participants will learn how to configure and optimize PostgreSQL for scalability, manage high availability setups, and ensure robust security in distributed systems. Through hands-on exercises and in-depth discussions, attendees will acquire the skills to design, implement, and maintain scalable, high-performance PostgreSQL solutions, preparing them to handle the challenges of administering mission-critical, large-scale database environments. This course equips IT professionals with the expertise needed to ensure the reliability and efficiency of their PostgreSQL deployments.

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Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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